Friday energy boost

My recipe for a Friday energy boost is this delicious and easy made thai green mango salad with grilled shrimp and cashews. Have a try!


1 large green mango, peeled and grated into long, thin slices
1 pound of large shrimp, peeled
1 large shallot, peeled and sliced lengthwise thinly
10-12 smal dried red chillies
1/4 cup fresh cilantro leaves, roughly-chopped
3/4 cup roasted cashews
3 tbsp fish sauce
fresh lime juice

Put the grated mango and shallot in a large mixing bowl, set aside.
Toss the shrimps with one tablespoon of fish sauce; grill until cooked.
Add the grilled shrimp to the mango bowl along with the remaining fish sauce and 2 tablespoon of lime juice, toss. Depending on how tart your mango is, you may need to add more lime juice.
Once the salty-sweet-sour balance has been achieved, add in the heat in the form of a dried red pepper flakes.
Plate the salad, topping it with roasted cashews and cilantro.


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